Garage door maintenance & repair

A garage has some things in common with a car. Both of them can have odd irregularities or noises that we get used to. As long as our garage door opener works, it can be easiest to ignore new sound. However, as you know, with a car you need regular maintenance even if it seems to be running perfectly.
Garage doors can be dangerous things. If they’re in tip-top working order, you’re unlikely to lose a limb, but start fiddling around with a damaged door and you could be putting yourself at serious risk. While there are some repairs you can handle yourself, don’t try and tackle any of these five issues.
If you have an older garage door system in your home, you have probably started to notice some issues with it. It might be too noisy, unreliable, unsafe, or it might not have any insulation. It could be a combination of these things. Now is a good time to replace your garage door. Let’s look at some of the top reasons to replace it sooner rather than later.
Recently, you’ve noticed that your garage door is making quite a bit of noise – enough that you can hear it from your kitchen. You can reduce this noise by simply lubricating its major components. What’s more, this will avoid a situation where your door fails and you are forced to call a garage door technician for an emergency repair.

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