
Thinking about installing a heating system in your garage? Perhaps your current system is showing its age and it’s time to replace it. Whether you have an attached or detached garage, there are quite a few options that can help you heat that space during the fall and winter months.
If you’ve heard of the term man cave, then you know that it simply means a place created for or by a man who wants to have an area where he can unwind and relax. Perhaps he wants to watch some sports, read, enjoy a hobby, or have a place to talk with some of the guys who come to visit.
You open the door from your home into the garage. It’s time for a bit of early morning yoga. As always, the cool, damp air hits you in the face. The musty smell, the beads of moisture around the windows – you’ve definitely got some humidity going on.
The standards for residential garages have changed a lot during the last decade. Not only are they getting wider, they are also getting much taller.
It’s safe to say that it’s common knowledge that garage doors have springs involved in the mechanisms that make them function. What kind of springs those are is much less commonly known.
Whether you own a garage door and are looking to care for it properly or you’re shopping around for one, this guide will help you make sense of what’s out there and separate myth from reality.

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