5 easy steps to prepare the garage when moving

5 easy steps to prepare the garage when moving

As anyone who has moved numerous times probably realizes, the garage is often the last area that is packed up and taken care of. However, there are good reasons to make it more of a priority. Most of us use our garage as a place to store items that we use only occasionally. It can also be a place to store special trinkets that become forgotten.

For those who are going to be moving within the next year, we wanted to provide a few tips to help make sure things go smoothly and without excess stress. This is especially tailored for those who may be using a moving company.

Step 1: Determine exactly what you have

It is not unusual while moving to go through your things and come across something you forgot you ever owned. You should sort these items into 4 separate groups:

  • items that are unwanted and unneeded that can be thrown away or recycled
  • belongings that you want to give to charity
  • items that should be sold at a garage sale or classifieds site
  • belongings that are wanted or needed in the new home

Sometimes it’s a good idea to let go, especially when it comes to household items that have had no use for a long time.

Step 2: Check and make sure you have everything you need for the moving process

Once you’re ready to start packing everything up, you should make sure you have cardboard boxes in various strengths and sizes. You will also want to have newspaper or bubble wrap for any fragile items. After that, make sure that you have clear or brown 2-inch shipping tape to keep boxes closed properly. You can also use this type of tape on the bottom of your boxes to give them extra strength.

Step 3: For everything that can’t be wrapped up…

For those who are hiring movers, the first thing you should do is determine what can and cannot be carried on the truck. This will include flammable products like paint cans, propane tanks, gas tanks, and aerosol cans. Because of that, there’s no real point to packing them. Instead, you can speak with a recycling center to determine the best way to dispose of these items. Some moving companies will also provide instructions, such as requiring you to empty the gas tank of snow blowers or lawnmowers.

Step 4: Labeling your boxes will save you time later

To make things super easy, you should consider using labels of different colors for boxes based on the room they belong in. You will want to use a wide tip marker filled with indelible ink. You should also mark fragile on any boxes that need it. You can probably buy labels that have this printed on them or the picture of a wine glass which refers to the same thing. This will ensure the movers carry these boxes with ultimate care.

Don’t forget to arrange your boxes of garage items by those coming with you, those for sale, and those you will be providing to charity.

Step 5: The best way to wrap your belongings

  • With items that go together, like tools you may have in one area of the garage, place them in the same box.
  • Put together items that go together, like placing all your tools in a single box.
  • Items that are fragile or sharp should have bubble wrap to protect them.
  • For items where you have the original packaging, use that.
  • Items that can be disassembled should be, as they will take up less space while moving.
  • Don’t make boxes overly heavy as they might crush other boxes when stacked.

If you want to avoid any stress closer to the moving date, it’s important to begin getting ready months before the moving date. Starting with your garage is a good choice as it can be used to store other boxes as they are removed from the house. If you have trouble going through these items, you might get assistance from a relative or friend. They may have logical advice to help you choose what should stay and what should go.

If you’re moving in a nearby location to where you are now and believe your garage door in the new home needs a good tune‑up or a complete change, you can contact us anytime at 519-326-5888.

We are also happy to send you a detailed quotation by email. We can also stop by your new home and offer information on the entire range of garage doors available now. We can assist in helping you choose the right door for you. You can also use our Design Centre, or look at our image gallery to get ideas and inspiration.


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